Access to the College Green area of campus will be restricted until further notice. Current students, faculty and staff with a valid Penn card may enter and exit Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center through the Rosengarten Undergraduate Study Center on the ground floor, and may enter and exit the Fisher Fine Arts Library through the 34th Street entrance to Meyerson Hall.

Author: Girmaye Misgna

Mapping & Geospatial Data Librarian

Girmaye provides research consultation and training services to faculty, staff, and students who are engaging with spatial methods, bringing deep technical expertise in both GIS and Mapping application development to that work. He enjoys the daily interaction with the campus community across all disciplines and the everyday new learning experience associated with it.

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Every year since 2019, Penn Libraries has been celebrating a GIS Day event by hosting a line up of events including workshops/tutorials, presentations, lightning talks, and project demos, and/or panel discussion on a specific topic. GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society.

2019 GIS Day flyer with text "Discovering the World Through GIS"

The Penn Libraries Mapping & GIS Club (PennMGIS) run by Research Data & Digital Scholarship (RDDS) is an open, online (for now) collective of students, staff, and faculty from across the disciplines that meets to discuss, learn, and collaborate on topics and projects related to mapping, geospatial data processing, visualization, analysis, and software tools.

An overhead view of the Philadelphia area