Look below for information about each location.

Accordion List


Metal stand for a laptop sitting on a desk.

C1 Aluminum Laptop Stand. Use with laptops up to 17 inches across. Adjustable height up to 6 inches.

Who may borrow?

Current Penn Vet students, faculty, and staff with PennKey and active PennCard.

For how long?

Normally, items may be checked out for 4 hours. However, you may request extended checkout periods at the front desk.

Overdue fines

$25/day late fee starting 1 minute after the scheduled return time.


Equipment may be checked out or returned when the service desk is staffed. Just ask for a laptop stand. 

Special arrangements for a longer borrowing period may be made by speaking with library staff on weekdays between 9am and 5pm. 

No reservation required.